Hey there!
If you've been following this blog for a little while now, you know how much I adored Krystal Wade's YA horror book Charming! So, when I heard that a new horror book by her was released early this year, I freaked out! I couldn't wait to get my hands on it and I was actually lucky enough to receive an ARC (Advanced Readers Copy) from the new publishing group Blaze (thank you all lots and lots, guys <3).
Asleep is about the teenage girl Rose who is commited to an Asylum. There, she has to take meds that cause her terrible nightmares - she gets beaten up, is tortured and threatened. But suddenly she's not so sure anymore if what happens to her at night is actually just a dream and not cruel reality...
There's also some romance between Rose and a guy her age who's a patient too. He goes through similar things so the whole thing of them fits in perfectly with the atmosphere of the rest.
The only thing I can complain about again is that I wish there would have been a little more of an outro, like an epilogue or something because to me the end felt pretty abrupt. But other than that Krystal Wade has written an amazing horror story once again! Slowly but surely she's becoming my favorite horror author, guys, don't miss out on her fantasic novels!!
Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day! <3
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I’m happily married to the love of my life (don’t gag) and raising three beautiful children in the gorgeous state of Virginia. We live just outside Washington, D.C., and every day I wake up to find myself stuck in traffic trying to get there.
The horrid commute gives me plenty of time to zone out and think about my characters in full, brilliant details (I’m a safe driver; don’t worry). Stories give me a way to forget about the sometimes smelly strangers sitting next to me on the fifty mile trek into town (I pick up hitchhikers every day. True story. Check out www.slug-lines.com if you don’t believe me).
I’ve been a part of organized hitchhiking for nearly fifteen years, but that’s just one small aspect of my oh-so-large life. When I’m not working, commuting, or chasing after my three children (four if you count the man), you can usually find me outside talking to my chickens like they’re the cutest things in the world (they are), or training my amazing dogs how to herd said chickens (which they love), or curled up on the sofa with a good book (why can’t that be 100% of the time?).
I hope you love my stories (or just like them a little; that would be okay, too). And I hope that one day you find your passion, because there’s nothing in life better than doing what you love while surrounded by people you love.
<3 Krystal
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